Sunday, February 27, 2011


It already feels like forever ago that we got a foot of snow and I never made it out of the parking lot to go to class. So this was kind of a short week for drawing, but we learned a lot about hamstrings and thighs. I actually found it quite difficult to build the hamstrings on my mannequin, and I'll probably end up re-doing them after a closer study of the pictures in the book.

It's crazy to think that there's only two more weeks until spring break, which means it's almost midterm! We have to put together a portfolio of some of our best drawings so far, as well as take pictures of our mannequins. I'll have to start looking through the gesture drawings we've done so far, but it will be interesting to see the progress from a month ago. I actually feel like things are starting to get tougher as add more and more elements to our drawings. I've never been that great at drawing figures, so life drawing doesn't come as naturally for me as it does some of the other students. It's really interesting to see how we each have our own unique style when it comes to drawing. No two drawings are ever the same.

I'm not exactly sure what we're focusing on for this upcoming week, but I'm looking forward to having a more organized week, and not missing any classes!


  1. Megan,

    If I remember correctly there wasn't any new major additions so the snow picked a good week to ruin class schedules. Depending on how you look at it (haha).

    I agree, the hamstrings were really difficult to build.

    It was great to go back and look at my first gesture drawings and compare it to my latest drawings.

    Even just looking through your posts, I have noticed a progression. Your drawings look really great! You can really see more confidence in this post's pictures.

    Good luck with your portfolio! and the tweaking of your Mankien's muscles. That is if you end up re-doing some of them as well.

  2. Megan,

    I agree with you that as we add more and more parts to the figure in our drawings it becomes more difficult. I am looking forward to having the last couple of weeks to draw the entire class instead of working on the manikins.
